Business Minor


Business Minor Requirements

The Business Minor is designed for students majoring in any non-business degree. If you are majoring in business, you cannot also minor in business.

To declare a business minor, you must complete the following:

  • 菠菜网lol正规平台 Cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better
  • BUS3 160
  • One additional business minor requirement (see requirements listed below)
  • Submit the Transaction Request form via service #1 

To earn a business minor, you must complete the following coursework (15 units):* 

  • BUS1 20N or BUS1 20 (an equivalent transfer course will count)
  • BUS3 160 
  • Two lower- or upper-division business courses (consult with a JHSSC advisor)
    • Lower-division course examples: BUS3 10, BUS3 80, BUS4 92, BUS1 21, BUS2 90/STAT 95, or HSPM 1
    • Upper-division course examples: BUS2 130, BUS3 186, BUS4 188, BUS5 140, or BUS5 187
  • One additional upper-division business course (consult with a JHSSC advisor)

*You must earn a combined cumulative GPA of 2.0 (“C”) or above in all business minor courses 

Important Notes:

  • Although lower-division courses can be taken at a California Community College (connect with a JHSSC advisor to learn more), 6 units must be completed at San Jose State University.
  • At least 12 units of minor coursework must be completely distinct and separate from your major’s course requirements (University Policy S16-4 [pdf] [pdf]). Courses in support or preparation of the major may be included in the minor.

Business Minor Requirements for Aviation Majors

  • Review the minor requirements carefully - they are based on your unique area of specialization and catalog term.
  • Request the business minor via the Transaction Request form (service #1). 
    • Once your request is reviewed, your MyProgress report will update to reflect your business minor.  

Business Minor Requirements for Engineering Technology Majors

  • Review the minor requirements carefully - they are based on your concentration (Computer Network Systems Management or Manufacturing Systems) and catalog term.
  • Request the business minor via the Transaction Request form (service #1).
    • Once your request is reviewed, your MyProgress report will update to reflect your business minor.