Interdisciplinary Speaker Series - 山姆Markolf

3月4日下午3点.m. - 4 p.m. 加入缩放演示

Toward Resilient Social-Ecological-Technological Systems in a Changing World

We are living in a 世界 increasingly defined by pervasive and accelerating climatic, technological, social, economic, and institutional change. 这些趋同的变化 portend a wide range of possible impacts to our urban, ecological, and infrastructure 系统. 作为回应,概念 弹性 – the ability of 系统 and communities to identify, anticipate, alleviate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from large-scale changes – has emerged as way to navigate the complexity, uncertainty, and potential disruptions associated with a rapidly changing 世界. With growing exploration and implementation of 弹性, fundamental questions arise about how, when, where, and in what form it should be pursued. 这次演讲将 outline some of these broader concepts and provide an overview of some of the tenets of 弹性 from an engineering and social-ecological perspective. Dr. Markolf将 then highlight elements of his recent work applying 弹性 thinking to engineering applications and social-ecological-technological 系统 (SETS).  最终, talk aims to leave attendees with a clearer understanding of varying perspectives on 弹性, ways in which 弹性 is being explored in research and practice, and prospects of applying 弹性 thinking in different contexts.


山姆MarkolfDr. Samuel (Sam) Markolf is an Assistant Professor within the Department of Civil and Environmental 工程 at UC Merced. Prior to joining UC-Merced, Sam was a 研究 Fellow on the NSF-sponsored Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability 研究 Network (UREx SRN) at Arizona State University. Broadly, his research applies 系统 thinking to sustainability and 弹性 challenges facing cities and infrastructure 系统. Example projects include examining impacts and responses to extreme events (e.g., flood, extreme heat) within transportation 系统, exploring the incorporation of climate projections into infrastructure design processes, and analyzing the extent to which interconnected social-ecological-technological 系统 (SETS) can enhance (or hinder) the 弹性 of cities and infrastructure 系统. 最终,他的目标 is to help decision-makers become more adept at identifying, anticipating, alleviating, and responding to accelerating climatic, technological, and social change.

山姆拿的是B.S. in Chemical 工程 from the University of Texas at Austin, M.S. 在民事 & Environmental 工程 from Carnegie 梅隆大学, and a joint-Ph.D. 在民事 & Environmental 工程 and 工程 & 卡内基的公共政策 梅隆大学.